


In many of the beautiful buildings, we have made sure to give you the opportunity to both read about the buildings and at the same time part take in exhibitions relevant to the building.

A part of Sweden’s history 


Everything has its origin in how it was then, but you can see what is now and, in some places, get a hint of what might be later. We have exhibitions in Skrädhuset, Ångmaskinhuset and Konstmästargården.

Open all days.

From light to darkness


From light to darkness: A historical journey down Queen Christinas schaft.

Deep within the legendary forests of Bergslagen lies Sala Silvergruva – once one of the most powerful silver mines in the world. Many traces have been left here. In the rock and in the surrounding nature. In the souls of those who lived here. The mine gives, and the mine takes. Silver and riches, but also hard work and untimely death

Welcome to an immersive experience in Ångmaskinhuset!

Now, then later…


At Sala Silvermine, Silver-bearing galena and zinc alloy have been mined throughout history. Silver and lead were extracted from the galena and zinc from the zinc alloy. This exhibition talks about these three minerals and metals in an interesting and fun way. 

What were they used for in the past and what are they used for today?

Here you’ll find, among other things, a 3D model of the mine in augmented reality, developed in collaboration with Luleå University of Technology. In “Skrädhuset”, you can use VR glasses to go down Queen Christina’s shaft. And as if that weren’t enough, the gaming enthusiast can try visiting the mine in Minecraft! 

The mine and the industrial breakthrough


Wilhelm Heberle’s photos are displayed in the steam engine house. A novelty during the summer of 2022 is the photo exhibition shown in the steam engine house at Sala Silvermine.

A person that was very diligent in documenting the surroundings of Sala Silvermine and the mining at the end of the 19th century was  Wilhelm Heberle.

A look into the water-filled depth of the mine 

Diving exhibition

In the old mine stable, where 6 of the mine’s horses were housed, there is today an exhibition about mine diving. The exhibition is a collaboration between Sala Silvermine and Sala Silvermine Diving Club.

Here you can learn about what the mine looks like under the surface of the water, about how to become a mine diver and feel all the equipment a diver has on and with them when they dive into the depths of the mine. In addition, we show a 3D model of the exciting barrel room that is on the first floor of the mine, i.e. at the 190-meter level. 

The area’s oldest preserved building


It was built on the present site in 1670 in the Carolingian style with gabled roofs and gables in which the mine bell once sat. Over the years, the house has undergone a couple of major renovations, for example in 1753. The building contains the Court Hall and/or Church Hall. The mine’s management was housed there, with the chief mining inspector, the top manager and the Crown’s man on site. The morning prayer was held here before each day and justice was served here. The mine had its own jurisdiction and the Mining Court, both managed the work and ruled in legal cases involving officials and workers. The Geschworner (roughly the chief engineer) lived in the house periodically.

In the beautiful Court Hall, there are some magnificent objects from the mine’s history on display. The strangest piece is the blue-painted ore barrel with a bench that Carl XI travelled in when he visited the mine in August 1687. The king was hoisted down Queen Christina’s shaft, all the way to the bottom at a depth of 190 meters and stayed underground for a whole day. Next to the barrel is a portrait of Carl XI by the master and court painter David Klöcker Ehrenstrahl. In a stand below the portrait, there are some exciting objects. Including Crown Princess Lovisa Ulrica’s white gloves which she is said to have thrown down the Queens’ shaft in 1750, commemorative medals from royal visits and a small silhouette portrait of Afock, the first Chinese person to visit Sweden.

Closed for the season